October 28, 2024
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Could Verbal Abuse be in Your Home?

Domestic violence among married couple, with man shouting at unhappy woman through megaphone. Problem of domestic violence and psychological pressure on girls who need protection from tyrant husbands

Could Verbal Abuse be in Your Home?

Recently I did a broadcast on February 16, 2023 on the topic of verbal abuse.  Below you will see the 16 categories I referred to in my broadcast as well as the scriptures which teach us the type of communication we need to have in our homes.

There are 16 categories of verbal abuse:

  1. Withholding--not revealing or responding
  2. Countering--arguing against
  3. Discounting--diminishing the importance of anything
  4. Joking--degrading, slighting cloaked as humor
  5. Blocking and diverting--preventing discussion, shifting the topic
  6. Accusing and blaming
  7. Judging and criticizing
  8. Trivialiing--making insignificant
  9. Undermining--withholding support
  10. Threatening
  11. Name calling--overt attack and humiliation
  12. "Forgetting"--history revision
  13. Ordering--commanding
  14. Denying--refusing to accept the validity of anything
  15. Abusing anger--yelling, raging, reactively uttering sharp, biting words
  16. Guilt-tripping--using Bible verses to manipulate and control.

    What Scriptures Says About Verbal Communication

    The Power of Our Words:       

    • James 3:2-10
    • Proverbs 12:18 
    • Proverbs 15:4
    • Proverbs 16:24
    • Proverbs 18:21
    • II Timothy 2:23
    • I Peter 3:7-10
    • Prov. 17:22

      Guidelines for Using/Choosing Words:

      • Ephesians 4:29
      • Proverbs 3:27-28
      • James 1:19
      • Proverbs 18:13
      • Proverbs 10:19
      • Matt. 5:21-22
      • Matt.12:34-37
      • Matt. 15:18-20
      • Colossians 3:8

        I took my notes from The Verbally Abusive Relationship book by Patricia Evans.

        If you would like to purchase Mary Morin’s Verbal Abuse DVD with the accompanying syllabus, please email me at or contact me at 713-267-0633.