Welcome to our Website!
Our Mission: Help Others Become What God Wants Them To Be.
Mary Morin has been a Christian counselor in private practice in Houston since 1985. She has had extensive experience in marriage and family counseling, individual counseling for adults, adolescents and children. She has been a former adjunct professor of general psychology and human development. She has also been a popular speaker throughout the Houston area and is a featured speaker on the radio program, Vital Issues in the Christian Home, on KHCB Christian radio, 105.7 FM.

Next Broadcast
Mary's next Broadcast will be on January 16th, 2025 on KHCB radio at 10:30 AM.
I would like to announce a transition in my professional career as I enter into "semi-retirement" as of May 1, 2021. After 36 years in private practice, I plan to continue to counsel with my current patients. This last year I did a great deal of virtual therapy due to the pandemic and will continue to do predominantly virtual therapy and I will be seeing patients at my current location or a different location. I will continue to have my radio broadcast on KHCB, 105.7 FM as I have for many years; those program dates will be posted on my website.
I look forward to spending more time with my family, my grandchildren, and friends and enjoying my lake house. I am blessed with a beautiful family and precious grandchildren with whom I want to spend more time. God has blessed me with an enriching and thriving private practice and I value every client and have been blessed as each one has taken their own personal journey growing mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. What a blessing it is to see God transform lives and change hearts.
Please know that I value all of you who have been my patients and are still currently my patients and hope that I have touched your life in a positive way to help you become all that God wants you to become. If you feel led to submit a testimony that will be posted to my website, please send it to my email address. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your personal journey.